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King’s Critical Care – Carers’ Cafe

Critical Care is often known as Intensive Care. We treat people who have serious and life-threatening conditions.

Often, relatives of our patients become their carer. They take on this role either temporarily, while the patient recovers, or they provide ongoing care if their loved one needs long-term support.

Carers of critical care patients can sometimes feel abandoned and unprepared for the role. We would like to change this.

If you are a carer for your relative who has been treated in critical care (either at King’s or another hospital) come to the Critical Care team’s Carers’ Cafe. We aim to:

  • discover what you need now as a carer
  • teach you skills to help you in your caring role
  • share what is known about the effects of a stay in critical care on patients and their families
  • answer your questions about critical care
  • improve your experience of critical care.

Tea and coffee is provided.


Cicely Saunders Institute, King’s College Hospital.

See the Map of King’s College Hospital for location information.

Reserve your place

To let us know you would like to attend, or to find out more, contact the Patient Involvement Team on:

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 020 3299 3682