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This section gives you the latest news about our work and achievements. It also provides guidance and contact details for media enquiries.

BBC Newsnight special on NHS features King’s

Staff at King’s featured in a special report about the NHS on BBC Two’s Newsnight broadcast on Thursday 13 February

Stories from the frontline: Natasha Lewis

24 February 2021 - Here’s Natasha’s story on her first day and experience so far after being redeployed as Dental Nurse

SIREN study shows encouraging results

23 February 2021 - Single dose of Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine provides high levels of protection against COVID-19 infection

Stories from the frontline: Belinda Dela Cruz

22 February 2021 - Belinda tells us about her redeployment into the PRUH Emergency Department

One year on: Reflections of working through the pandemic

16 February 2021 - Last year we spoke to nurse Sarah Dheansa about being redeployed to a Covid ward. A year into the pandemic we caught up again

Stories from the frontline: Florence Sambile

12 February 2021 - Florence tells us about her role and how PRUH Operating Theatres have adapted during the pandemic

Keep in touch: Letters to Loved Ones email service

10 February 2021 - Keep in touch with friends or relatives in hospital by using the Letters to Loved Ones email service

Sharing stories on World Cancer Day 2021: Irina Belun-Vieira

03 February 2021 - Our Head of Nursing Cancer at King's tells us why World Cancer Day matters

Sharing stories on World Cancer Day 2021: Mr Christian Brown

03 February 2021 - To mark World Cancer Day, we spoke to Mr Christian Brown, Consultant Urologist at King's

Stories from the frontline: Donna Corey

03 February 2021 - Donna tells us about her redeployment from dentistry onto Mary Ray and Cotton Wards

Vaccine volunteers help the fight against COVID-19

03 February 2021 - Retired nurse, Jane Rossi, is giving up her time to help protect local people against COVID-19

Vaccine roll-out at King’s College Hospital

01 February 2021 - King's College Hospital is inviting patients and other priority groups to take up the offer of a vaccine.

Stories from the frontline: Angel Ricasata

28 January 2021 - Angel tells us about her redeployment into the Programmed Investigation Unit

Stories from the frontline: Sally Khawaja

28 January 2021 - Sally talks about her redeployment into critical care and how the team supported her with her disability

Stories from the frontline: Tom Young

27 January 2021 - We hear from Tom, a senior charge nurse in our Paediatric Emergency Department

Stories from the frontline: Rachael Healy

25 January 2021 - Continuing with our staff frontline stories, we hear from Rachael Healy, who was redeployed to our Critical Care Unit (CCU)