Visiting Policy: Update
13 July 2020 - In light of the current situation, we have revised our visitor guidance

Updated: 31 March 2022
From Wednesday 23 February 2022, we are introducing changes to visiting arrangements at our hospitals.
From this date, all adult inpatients will be permitted two visitors per day, with separate arrangements in place for specific wards and departments, as set out in detail below.
We have lifted some visiting restrictions due to a reduction in the number of COVID-19 cases. We are keeping our visiting policy under regular review, and we would like to thank everyone for their patience. We will relax visiting restrictions further as soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so.
We would like all visitors to continue to take steps to help us reduce the risk of infection spreading. All visitors should wear a mask at all times, observe social distancing and wash hands regularly.
Adult inpatients will be allowed to have two visitors per day. Ward staff will work with relatives to ensure visits are staggered, to keep the number of extra people on the ward to a minimum.
Visiting will be from 2pm to 8pm each day, including at weekends, although wards may occasionally need to introduce different visiting hours. Please check with the ward manager if you are unsure of the visiting arrangements for the ward on which your friend or relative is being treated.
Two birth partners can be with you throughout your labour. They should bring everything they need with them, as they will not be able to re-enter the ward if they leave.
Two birth partners can be present when you are receiving one-to-one care from a midwife in a labour room and during inductions of labour, elective cases, or High Dependency Unit care.
On the postnatal and antenatal wards, one support person is welcome for the duration of your stay. You will not be able to swap this person and they should stay at bedsides as much as possible during their visit.
You will be able to attend hospital-based antenatal clinics (Windsor walk, Venetian building, Community Midwives Centre, Midwives House, Orpington Hospital, Beckenham Beacon and Queen Mary’s – Sidcup) with one other person.
In the Neonatal Unit, you and your baby are treated as one, which means the other parent of the baby can visit at any time.
Both parents are permitted to visit children who are inpatients on our paediatric wards.
Please speak to the critical care team in advance before agreeing how many visitors are permitted, and when the visits can take place. All visitors will need to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and this will be provided by the critical care team. Our teams will also ensure you wear PPE correctly, and be on hand to answer any questions you may have.