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General gynaecology

What we do

We provide one-stop and rapid access services for women with:

  • long-standing non-urgent gynaecological problems, such as heavy and/or painful periods and pelvic pain
  • ovarian cysts
  • uterine fibroids and polyps
  • endometriosis
  • suspected ovarian or womb (also known as uterine or endometrial) cancers.

We also carry out research into women’s health.

Treatments include:

  • Mirena IUS/ IUCD insertion or removal using ultrasound guidance
  • endometrial ablation
  • hysteroscopy for endometrial polyps, small submucous fibroids or sterilisation (outpatient)
  • uterine artery embolisation for fibroids
  • laparoscopic or abdominal removal of fibroids (inpatient)
  • transcervical resection of fibroids and septate uterus (day surgery)
  • laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cysts or sterilisation (day surgery)
  • laparoscopic, vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy.

At your appointment a doctor will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. This may include feeling your abdomen, doing an internal examination and possibly having an internal ultrasound scan. The scan is less uncomfortable than a smear test. The tip of a round-edged probe is gently put into your vagina. It allows the doctor to see a clear picture of your pelvic organs. They may also take smears or biopsies, as necessary.

The doctor will then discuss with you the results of the examination, the likely cause of your symptoms, any other investigations you may need and your treatment options, including surgery.

The One-Stop and Rapid Access Gynaecology Clinics are open Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm, and Friday, 9am to 12.30pm.

Preparing for your appointment

If you are having an internal ultrasound scan, please ensure you have an empty bladder. However if you have never had sexual intercourse, let staff know. You will need to have a full bladder and may need to drink some fluids before your scan.

If you have been offered a 2ww (two week wait) appointment for suspected womb (uterine or endometrial) cancer (excluding suspected ovarian cancer), please follow this advice:

  • Prepare to be at the hospital for 4-6 hours. You should arrange to take the day off work.
  • Take painkillers at least one hour before your appointment and carry some with you in case you need to take a further dose before your hysteroscopy.
  • You may want to bring a friend or relative to support you. Your doctor may ask them to leave if necessary.

Women’s health research

We are dedicated to improving our understanding of health in women’s health, and to supporting better evidenced-based care.

Research is important as it helps us to:

  • develop new and better treatments
  • be better at preventing problems and making a quick diagnosis
  • give you the best care

There are lots of research projects running in Women’s Health at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. You may be approached to participate in one or more of these studies during an outpatient appointment or an inpatient stay.

If any of the projects are of interest to you or you would like more information, please email the women’s health research team at [email protected]

You can also find out information about the maternity research we carry out at the Trust.

Open research

APPRAISE (a patient-reported outcome measure for prolapse, incontinence and mesh complication surgery)

What is the study investigating?

To develop a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) to compare outcomes for the different surgical treatments to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP), stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mesh complications that captures the full range of effects on quality of life. Information about previous patient experience and long-term complications will be used to inform better support and improved services.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • have undergone surgery for POP, SUI or mesh complications (at any time)
  • are aged 16 years old or over
Further information

APPRAISE website

APPRAISE patient information sheet

CORE-10 (evaluating CORE-10 as a measure of psychological distress after miscarriage)

What is the study investigating?

If you have experienced a miscarriage this study is testing the accuracy of the CORE-10 questionnaire at identifying those who might be at risk of developing prolonged psychological distress.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • are aged 18 years or above and have experienced a diagnosis of miscarriage at less than 16+6 weeks
Further information

CORE-10 patient information sheet

EPI-SURE B (developing test to detect specific biological markers associated with endometrial cancer)

What is the study investigating?

This study aims to approve a new clinical test to detect the risk and early stages of cancer in the lining of the womb (endometrial cancer). This test specifically targets biological signals in samples taken from the cervix or vagina via smear test. As black and mixed heritage women are less likely to take part in research but more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage stage womb cancer, this research is aimed at this population.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • are 50 years old or over
  • come from an Afro Caribbean background
  • are attending the gynaecology clinic with abnormal bleeding for a transvaginal ultrasound
Further information

EPI-SURE B patient information sheet

POISE (premature ovarian insufficiency study of effectiveness of hormonal therapy)

What is the study investigating?

In women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) what is the relative effectiveness, in terms of bone mineral density (BMD), of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) compared to the combined oral contraceptive pill (COC)?

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • have a diagnosis of POI
  • will be aged from 18 to 40 at randomisation
  • are not intending to become pregnant within 12 months
  • have not taken any HRT or COC treatment for the last 4 weeks or are willing to stop HRT or COC treatment for a minimum period of 4 weeks before randomisation
Further information

POISE website

POISE patient information sheet

REGAL (treatment for recurrent pain following surgery for endometriosis)

What is the study investigating?

The clinical and cost-effectiveness of long-term use of GnRHa (gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogues) with add-back HRT as an alternative treatment to further laparoscopic surgery (excision or ablation of endometriosis) in women who present with recurrence of pain following previous surgery for endometriosis but wish to retain their fertility.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • are aged 21 to 49 years with recurrent pain following conservative laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis (excision or ablation) and wish to avoid removal of ovaries and hysterectomy, irrespective of site and stage of endometriosis, number of previous surgeries or use of postoperative hormonal treatment
  • are considered suitable for both treatment arms
  • can give informed consent to participate in study procedures
  • are willing to do a pregnancy test before intervention
Further information

REGAL website

REGAL patient information sheet


Suite 8, Third Floor, Golden Jubilee Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Contact Details

Useful resource

Endometriosis UK has produced a booklet that explains what you can do to help manage your endometriosis pain.

Conditions we treat

We offer a one-stop and rapid access service for patients with:

  • menorrhagia
  • oligomenorrhoea
  • intermenstrual bleeding
  • suspected fibroids
  • suspected ovarian cysts
  • pelvic pain
  • lost IUCD/IUS
  • unscheduled bleeding on HRT.

Routine gynaecology referrals can be made to the one-stop clinic. This visit will include an ultrasound scan and other investigations where appropriate, so please do not refer separately for a scan. Please use the One-Stop General Gynaecology clinic referral form below.

As part of our Rapid Access service, we offer a one-stop, same-day consultation and diagnostic hysteroscopy for patients referred under the urgent suspected cancer pathway.

Women who are referred for suspected endometrial cancer will be offered, where indicated and agreed, a diagnostic hysteroscopy alongside their medical consultation and ultrasound scan (abdominal or transvaginal) on the same day.

The following conditions must be referred to other services:

Patients with post-menopausal bleeding, suspected endometrial carcinoma, pelvic mass or suspected ovarian cancer should be referred to the Rapid Access Clinic. Patients with PCB or IMB with visible cervical lesion should be referred to colposcopy. Patients with vaginal lesions should be referred to vulvoscopy.

Booking a patient at King’s

GPs should refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS) wherever possible.

Other ways to refer

Routine Referrals

For conditions covered by existing CCG referral templates, complete the relevant CCG template. For conditions that are not covered by an existing referral template, complete the One-Stop Gynaecology Clinic referral form (below).

GPs should use NHS e-Referral for all routine referrals. Other healthcare professionals should email completed referral forms to [email protected]

Emergency Referrals

To make an urgent referral, use NHS e-Referral and state that the referral is urgent.

For suspected cancer, use the urgent suspected cancer referral pathway.

Referral forms

TitleFile SizeLink
One-Stop General Gynaecology Clinic referral form – KCH43 KB

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Mr Ritu Agarwal Specialist GP
Miss Eve Allen Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr John Bidmead Consultant Urogynaecology and Minimal access surgery
Miss Shree Datta Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Mrs Helen Duffy Matron Gynaecology
Miss Aisha Hameed Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Mr Nicholas Hill Consultant Gynaecologist
Miss Jemma Johns Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Mr Nitish Narvekar Lead for Reproductive Surgery, Consultant Gynaecologist and Minimal Access Surgeon
Mr Adeyemi Ogunremi Consultant Gynaecologist
Dr William Okonji Community Gynaecology
Mr Prashant Purohit Consultant in Gynaecology, Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Miss Jackie Ross Consultant Gynaecologist
Mr Sahathevan Sathiyathasan Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr Venkatesh Subramanian Consultant in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine