FoI frequently asked questions
Please check the information provided very carefully for the answers you are seeking. The information may not be in the section or exact format you wish but it is the information held by the Trust. If you cannot find the information you require in this section, in our publication scheme or elsewhere on our website, you can submit a request to our Freedom of Information team.
About this information
The information is current and/or for the periods stated; we will publish updated information periodically. Accordingly, where we receive requests for more up to date information, we will apply an FOI Act Section 22 exemption (information intended for future publication) to any such FoI request received.
All documents are the current versions, unless otherwise stated. If a published policy’s review date is due shortly, or the review is in progress, we will publish the updated policy when it becomes available. Accordingly, where we receive requests for more up to date policy, we will apply an FOI Act Section 22 exemption (information intended for future publication) to any such FoI request received
The copyright to this information is held by King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and is subject to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998. The re-use of this information for any commercial purpose is subject to the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. You must not re-use this information for commercial purposes until you have formally requested and obtained our permission. If we agree to such re-use, it may be subject to licensing and involve a fee.
Human Resources
ICT frequently asked questions
This includes sections on:
- General ICT
- Mobile phones and mobile devices
- Networks
- Other areas
- Patient and visitor Wi-Fi
- Patient reminder service
- PC’s, laptops, servers, data centres, hosting
- Print and scan environment
- Systems
Translation and Interpreters
Translation and Interpreters – frequently asked questions
Trust-wide information
Contact information for staff and departments
The names of staff in senior or public-facing roles only are publicly available on the Trust website in:
- the How we are organised section
- service A to Z pages
It is Trust policy not to give out other staff names, personal email addresses or contact details. This policy helps protect Trust staff from unsolicited emails, calls or correspondence not directly related to their role and the work they are doing. You can of course call the main Trust switchboard on 020 3299 9000.