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Equality, diversity and inclusion reporting

King’s believes that as a public sector organisation we have an obligation to have representative recruitment, training, promotion and other formal employment policies and procedures.

We are open to the value of differences in age, disability, sex, gender, marital status, pregnancy and maternity, race, sexual orientation, and religion or belief (as explained below). We believe this makes us better able to treat our patients, as well as being a better place to work.

Equality Act (2010) – Public Sector Equality Duty

The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) replaces previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act. The Act’s aim is to simplify the law, remove inconsistencies and make it easier for people to understand and comply with. It aims to strengthen the law to help tackle discrimination and inequality. The majority of the Act came into force on 1 October 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty came into force on 5 April 2011. The Equality Duty ensures that all Public Bodies play their part in making society fairer by tackling discrimination and providing equal opportunities for all.

The Equality Duty makes sure that public bodies consider the needs of all individuals in their day-to-day work. This includes in shaping policy, delivering services and in relation to their own employees. As a public body, the Trust is governed by the Equality Act 2010. The Act contains nine protected characteristics, which cannot be used as a reason to treat someone unfairly. They are:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment (when your gender identity is different to the sex you were assigned at birth)
  • marriage or civil partnership (including same-sex marriage)
  • pregnancy and maternity/paternity
  • race or ethnicity
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

The Equality Duty asks us to think about how we can accommodate and support people who are disadvantaged or suffer inequality. King’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team ensures that the Trust is abiding by the Equality Act and working towards a diverse and inclusive workforce where everyone is able to reach their full potential, with clear representation in our leadership. Please see:

Equality Delivery System

As part of the Equality Act, public sector organisations must publish evidence to confirm they are meeting the aims of the Act. The evidence presented by the Trust has been collated as part of the implementation of the Department of Health’s Equality Delivery System (EDS 2). Please see:

The EDS is designed as a tool to be used to help all NHS organisations and staff understand how equality can drive improvements and strengthen the accountability of services to patients and the public. It will help ensure that everyone – patients, public and staff – has a voice in how organisations are performing and where they should improve.

All of this ensures that inclusion is not just a ‘tick box’ exercise but something that is embedded in our every day activity.

Equality Risk Assessments Framework (ERAF)

The Trust recognises the essential role it plays in ensuring that health inequalities are identified and eliminated; and equity and fairness are core qualities and values to be embedded within the organisation.

In accordance with the changes in public sector duties brought about by the Equality Act 2010, the Trust must demonstrate an understanding of its patients and staff by collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative evidence, which must be used to inform service design and delivery. Our new Equality Risk Assessment Framework (ERAF), also known as an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA), helps us to understand the effects of a proposed policy or service development so that we can ensure we are not discriminating against a particular group of people.

Completing these assessments is a legal requirement under race, disability and gender legislation.

ERAFs are key in achieving fair and equal access to the healthcare services and employment opportunities the Trust provides, and to demonstrate our commitment to advancing equality and eliminating discrimination.

Workforce Equality Report

See our Workforce Equality Information Report 2018 for details of how the Trust has worked to promote equality, diversity and inclusion in April 2017 to March 2018.

Workforce Race Equality Standard

As part of our work to build an inclusive culture we are pleased to report on the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES).

The WRES requires NHS organisations to demonstrate progress against nine race equality indicators. The report aims to show any differences in how white staff, and black and minority ethnic staff, are treated. This is to help the Trust take action where needed to address this. From 2016, the report has been accompanied by an improvement plan which gives more detail about how progress will be made.

The aim of the WRES is to support the career development of black and minority ethnic staff and ensure the Trust workforce is representative of the communities it works in.

Workforce Disability Equality Standard

The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) is a set of ten specific measures that will enable NHS organisations to compare the experiences of staff with a disability compared with those that don’t.

The implementation of the WDES will enable us to better understand the experiences of staff who have a disability. It will support positive change for existing employees and enable a more inclusive environment for people with a disability working in the NHS.

Gender Pay Reporting

The Gender Pay Gap legislation requires all organisations – public and private – with over 250 employees to publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap.

The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings and is being reported by all Trusts in three categories – Hourly, Pay Quartiles, and Bonus Pay.

The Trust’s gender pay gap is largely due to the proportion of male consultants in the upper quartile of our pay distribution.

Model Employer

The Model Employer report sets out the ambitious challenge of ensuring black and minority ethnic representation at all levels of the workforce. This includes leadership being representative of the overall black and minority ethnic workforce by 2028. The document outlines both the aspirational goals for organisations, as well as a comprehensive and holistic set of objectives to support the NHS, as part of the existing Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) programme of work.