Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report
09 November 2022 - CQC publishes report for three medical wards at Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH)

An inspection of three medical wards at Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found that patients received good care and treatment.
The inspection of three medical wards at the PRUH – part of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – took place in August this year, and involved an inspection of wards Medical 1 and 2, and Darwin Ward.
The inspection team found that staff had the training they needed to carry out their roles, and understood how to protect patients from abuse. Staff were also found to manage medicines well, and kept good and accurate care records.
During the inspection, the CQC also found that staff treated patients with compassion and kindness, and respected their privacy and dignity. They also found that staff provided patients, families and carers with the emotional support they needed. The staff that the CQC spoke to also said they felt respected, supported and valued in their roles.
Services at the PRUH were not rated by the CQC during their most recent inspection, and medical services at the hospital continue to be rated ‘Good’.
Professor Clive Kay, Chief Executive for King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, welcomed the CQC’s findings. He said:
“The CQC’s inspection report shows that we are providing high quality care for patients at the PRUH, and our staff deserve huge credit for maintaining and raising standards in many areas. However, we mustn’t be complacent, and the CQC’s report also highlighted areas where we need to improve, which we are taking action to address.”
The CQC found that staffing levels were not always at the desired level to meet patient care needs. The inspection team also found that staff did not always manage infection control measures as well as expected, and that wards did not always display patient’s dietary and feeding needs within bays.
Action is being taken to ensure staffing levels are at an appropriate level on wards Medical 1 and 2, and Darwin ward at the PRUH. Staff have also been reminded about the importance of following infection prevention and control protocols consistently, and patients’ dietary and feeding needs are now clearly displayed on the wards in question.
You can access a copy of the CQC’s inspection report on their website from 9 November.