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Termination of pregnancy

What we do

Our clinic offers a full pregnancy termination service to NHS patients and we are NHS accredited as young person-friendly. All women are counselled, scanned, consented and pre-assessed by our team, which includes specialist nurses and a gynaecology consultant.

We carry out:

  • early medical terminations where patients take the medication in the hospital and abort at home
  • first and second trimester terminations under local and general anaesthesia.

We also accept referrals from across England and Wales for women who have medical problems which make them unsuitable for treatment in the charitable sector.

Preparing for your appointment

Please do not bring children with you to your appointment as you may be at the clinic for up to three hours.

If you are running late for your appointment, please ring our Main Reception number. We can only see a limited number of patients a day and you may need to rebook.


For further information please contact the Main Reception.

Contact Details

We offer:

  • Medical termination – pregnancy up 63 days or nine weeks.
  • Surgical termination
    • suction under general anaesthetic (pregnancy up to 14 weeks and six days).
    • suction under local anaesthetic (pregnancy up to 12 weeks).
    • dilatation and evacuation under general anaesthetic (pregnancy over 15 weeks and up to 23 weeks and six days)

Refer a patient

Patients can refer themselves to:

If you are a healthcare professional referring a patient who is not suitable for treatment in the charitable sector:

  • phone us on 020 3299 5010 to discuss the referral
  • then complete the referral form below and email it, together with a signed HSA-1 form, to: [email protected]

Emergency Referrals

For emergency referrals, call 020 3299 5010 to speak directly to the lead nurse to arrange for the patient to be seen within two weeks.

Other Queries

For advice and guidance on routine and urgent referrals, please contact the lead nurse on 020 3299 5010.

Referral forms

TitleFile SizeLink
Termination of Pregnancy referral form44 KB