Mr Aws Alani
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry

- Year Qualified
- 2003
- Qualifications
- Specialty
- Restorative Dentistry
Special Interests
- Adhesive Dentistry
- Dental Traumatology
- Hypodontia and other dental developmental anomalies
- Implantology
- Tooth surface loss
Aws qualified from King’s College London (KCL) in 2003. He completed vocational training in Essex and held junior hospital positions at Guy’s Hospital and King’s College Hospital, before completing an MSc in Endodontics at the Eastman Dental Institute. He moved to Morriston Hospital in South Wales to work in the Maxillofacial Unit, initially as a Senior House Officer before becoming a Specialist Registrar. After three years in Wales he moved to Newcastle, where he completed his specialist training in Restorative Dentistry. During his training he completed relief work trips to Romania and Ghana with ‘Young Smiles for Romania’ and ‘Global Brigades’.
In 2013, Aws became the International Team for Implantology Scholar in Toronto, Canada, working at the Hospital for Sick Children and Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. He returned to London in 2014 as Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at King’s College Hospital. His main remit is the management of congenital and acquired defects within an MDT environment, working alongside Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.
He has published over 40 peer reviewed papers, book chapters and textbooks and maintains an active interest in current clinical issues and research. He has won grants from the British Endodontic Society and the Royal College of Surgeons to examine novel tooth filling materials with associated patents. He is a previous British Society of Restorative Dentistry prize winner and has sat on their council for four years. He recently completed a Masters Degree in Medical Law. His dissertation was titled ‘Social Media and the Dental Patient: A medicolegal perspective’. He is the course director for the Diploma in Operative Dentistry at KCL, which looks to upskill in a multifaceted manner through seminars, hands-on simulated exercises and clinical treatment.
Related services
Alani A, Kelleher M (2016) ‘Restorative complications of orthodontic treatment‘, British dental journal, 221,(7):389-400
Alani A, Kelleher M, Hemmings K, Saunders M, Hunter M, Barclay S, Ashley M, Djemal S, Bishop K, Darbar U, Briggs P, Fearne J (2015) ‘Balancing the risks and benefits associated with cosmetic dentistry – a joint statement by UK specialist dental societies‘, British dental journal, 218,(9):543-8
Alani A, Seymour R (2014) ‘Systemic medication and the inflammatory cascade‘, Periodontology 2000, 64,(1):198-210
Holliday R, Alani A (2014) ‘Traditional and contemporary techniques for optimizing root canal irrigation‘, Dental update, 41,(1):51-2, 54, 56-8 passim
Alani A, Kelleher MG (2014) ‘Technique tips–The use of extra-coronal restorations in the correction of malaligned teeth‘, Dental update, 41,(1):88-9
Alani A, Bishop K, Renton T, Djemal S (2014) ‘Update on guidelines for selecting appropriate patients to receive treatment with dental implants: priorities for the NHS – the position after 15 years‘, British dental journal, 217,(4):189-90
Alani A, Kelleher M, Bishop K (2014) ‘Peri-implantitis. Part 1: Scope of the problem‘, British dental journal, 217,(6):281-7
Alani A, Bishop K (2014) ‘Peri-implantitis. Part 2: Prevention and maintenance of peri-implant health‘, British dental journal, 217,(6):289-97
Alani A, Bishop K (2014) ‘Peri-implantitis. Part 3: Current modes of management‘, British dental journal, 217,(7):345-9
Calvert G, Barclay SC, Owens JS, Alani A (2014) ‘A national survey of restorative consultants’ treatment provision for head and neck oncology patients‘, British dental journal, 217,(10):E21
Alani A, Bishop K, Djemal S (2013) ‘Decision-making in the provision of extra-coronal restorations‘, Dental update, 40,(5):378-80, 383-4
Alani A, Bishop K (2012) ‘Contemporary issues in the provision of restorative dentistry‘, British dental journal, 213,(4):163-70
Alani A, Austin R, Djemal S (2012) ‘Contemporary management of tooth replacement in the traumatized dentition‘, Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 28,(3):183-92
Alani A, Seymour R (2011) ‘Aggressive periodontitis: how does an understanding of the pathogenesis affect treatment?‘, Dental update, 38,(8):511-2, 514-8, 521
Alani A, Bishop K, Djemal S (2011) ‘The influence of specialty training, experience, discussion and reflection on decision making in modern restorative treatment planning‘, British dental journal, 210,(4):E4
Calvert G, Alani A (2011) ‘The use of adhesive materials in gingival aesthetics‘, Dental update, 38,(6):424
Alani A, Maglad A, Nohl F (2011) ‘The prosthetic management of gingival aesthetics‘, British dental journal, 210,(2):63-9
Alani A, Corson M (2011) ‘Soft tissue manipulation for single implant restorations‘, British dental journal, 211,(9):411-6
Alani A, Bishop K, Knox J, Gravenor C (2010) ‘The use of implants for anchorage in the correction of unilateral crossbites‘, The European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry, 18,(3):123-7
Alani A, Bishop K (2009) ‘The use of MTA in the modern management of teeth affected by dens invaginatus‘, International dental journal, 59,(6):343-8
Alani A, Owens J, Dewan K, Summerwill A (2009) ‘A national survey of oral and maxillofacial surgeons’ attitudes towards the treatment and dental rehabilitation of oral cancer patients‘, British dental journal, 207,(11):E21; discussion 540-1
Alani A, Knowles JC, Chrzanowski W, Ng YL, Gulabivala K (2009) ‘Ion release characteristics, precipitate formation and sealing ability of a phosphate glass-polycaprolactone-based composite for use as a root canal obturation material‘, Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials, 25,(3):400-10
Bishop K, Alani A (2008) ‘Dens invaginatus. Part 2: clinical, radiographic features and management options‘, International endodontic journal, 41,(12):1137-54
Alani A, Bishop K (2008) ‘Dens invaginatus. Part 1: classification, prevalence and aetiology‘, International endodontic journal, 41,(12):1123-36