Dr Thomas Booth

- Year Qualified
- 2000
- Qualifications
- Specialty
- Neuroradiology
Special Interests
- Incidental findings
- Machine learning
- Neuroimaging
- Neuro-oncology
- Neuroradiology
- Neurovascular
Undergraduate: University of Cambridge (pre-Clinical) and Imperial College London (Clinical)
- Internal Medicine: SHO rotation, Hammersmith Hospital
- Radiology: Specialist Registrar rotation, Royal Free Hospital
PhD: University of Cambridge (Molecular imaging and image analysis)
- Neuroradiology: Fellowship rotation, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London
2017 inaugural Royal College of Radiologists Outstanding Researcher Award
Postgraduate students and trainees are welcome to discuss research projects with Dr Booth.
Related services
Mair R, Wright A, Ros S, Hu DE, Booth TC, Kreis F, Rao J, Watts C, Brindle KM (2018) ‘Metabolic imaging detects low levels of glycolytic activity that vary with levels of c-Myc expression in patient-derived xenograft models of glioblastoma‘, Cancer research, ():
Lewis DY, Mair R, Wright A, Allinson K, Lyons SK, Booth T, Jones J, Bielik R, Soloviev D, Brindle KM (2018) ‘[<sup>18</sup>F]fluoroethyltyrosine-induced Cerenkov Luminescence Improves Image-Guided Surgical Resection of Glioma‘, Theranostics, 8,(14):3991-4002
Piorkowska M, Goh V, Booth TC (2017) ‘Post Brexit: challenges and opportunities for radiology beyond the European Union‘, The British journal of radiology, 90,(1072):20160852
Booth TC, Larkin TJ, Yuan Y, Kettunen MI, Dawson SN, Scoffings D, Canuto HC, Vowler SL, Kirschenlohr H, Hobson MP, Markowetz F, Jefferies S, Brindle KM (2017) ‘Analysis of heterogeneity in T2-weighted MR images can differentiate pseudoprogression from progression in glioblastoma‘, PloS one, 12,(5):e0176528
Yang SH, Hampton T, Kandasamy N, Hart J, Ashmore J, Walsh DC, Tolias CM, Booth TC (2017) ‘Outcome study of the pipeline embolization device for treatment of intracranial aneurysms at a single UK institution‘, British journal of neurosurgery, ():1-7
Booth TC (2016) ‘Re: Bench to bedside molecular functional imaging in translational cancer medicine: to image or to imagine?‘, Clinical radiology, 71,(3):304-5
Booth TC, Ashkan K, Brazil L, Jäger R, Waldman AD (2016) ‘Re: Tumour progression or pseudoprogression? A review of post-treatment radiological appearances of glioblastoma‘, Clinical radiology, ():
Patterson F, Knight A, McKnight L, Booth TC (2016) ‘Evaluation of two selection tests for recruitment into radiology specialty training‘, BMC medical education, 16,():170
Booth TC, Najim R, Petkova H (2016) ‘Incidental findings discovered during imaging: implications for general practice‘, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 66,(648):346-7
Booth TC, Nathan M, Waldman AD, Quigley AM, Schapira AH, Buscombe J (2015) ‘The Role of Functional Dopamine-Transporter SPECT Imaging in Parkinsonian Syndromes, Part 2‘, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 36,(2):236-244
Booth TC, Nathan M, Waldman AD, Quigley AM, Schapira AH, Buscombe J (2015) ‘The Role of Functional Dopamine-Transporter SPECT Imaging in Parkinsonian Syndromes, Part 1‘, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 36,(2):229-235
Booth TC, Boyd-Ellison JM (2015) ‘The Current Impact of Incidental Findings Found during Neuroimaging on Neurologists’ Workloads‘, PloS one, 10,(2):e0118155
Booth TC, Waldman AD, Jefferies S, Jäger R (2015) ‘Comment on “The role of imaging in the management of progressive glioblastoma. A systematic review and evidence-based clinical practice guideline” [J Neurooncol 2014; 118:435-460]‘, Journal of neuro-oncology, 121,(2):423-4
Wardlaw JM, Davies H, Booth TC, Laurie G, Compston A, Freeman C, Leach MO, Waldman AD, Lomas DJ, Kessler K, Crabbe F, Jackson A (2015) ‘Acting on incidental findings in research imaging‘, BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 351,():h5190
Gallagher FA, Sladen H, Kettunen MI, Serrao EM, Rodrigues TB, Wright A, Gill AB, McGuire S, Booth TC, Boren J, McIntyre A, Miller JL, Lee SH, Honess D, Day SE, Hu DE, Howat WJ, Harris AL, Brindle KM (2015) ‘Carbonic Anhydrase Activity Monitored In Vivo by Hyperpolarized 13C-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Demonstrates Its Importance for pH Regulation in Tumors‘, Cancer research, 75,(19):4109-18
Tang YZ, Benardin L, Booth TC, Miquel ME, Dilks P, Sahdev A, Rockall AG (2014) ‘Use of an internal reference in semi-quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE MRI) of indeterminate adnexal masses‘, The British journal of radiology, 87,(1043):20130730
Larkin TJ, Canuto HC, Kettunen MI, Booth TC, Hu DE, Krishnan AS, Bohndiek SE, Neves AA, McLachlan C, Hobson MP, Brindle KM (2014) ‘Analysis of image heterogeneity using 2D Minkowski functionals detects tumor responses to treatment‘, Magnetic resonance in medicine, 71,(1):402-10
Hawtin KE, Williams HR, McKnight L, Booth TC (2014) ‘Performance in the FRCR (UK) Part 2B examination: analysis of factors associated with success‘, Clinical radiology, 69,(7):750-7
Yeung A, Booth TC, Larkin TJ, McCoubrie P, McKnight L (2014) ‘Re: The FRCR 2B oral examination: is it reliable? A reply‘, Clinical radiology, 69,(3):331-2
Yeung A, Booth TC, Larkin TJ, McCoubrie P, McKnight L (2013) ‘The FRCR 2B oral examination: is it reliable?‘, Clinical radiology, 68,(5):466-71
Bhogal P, Booth T, Phillips A, Golding S (2013) ‘Re: Radiology in the undergraduate curriculum: who, how, what, when and where. A reply‘, Clinical radiology, 68,(9):e517
Booth TC, Waldman AD, Wardlaw JM, Taylor SA, Jackson A (2012) ‘Management of incidental findings during imaging research in “healthy” volunteers: current UK practice‘, The British journal of radiology, 85,(1009):11-21
Booth TC, Mehrzad H, Wardlaw JM, Jackson A, Gilbert FJ (2012) ‘Training the next generation of radiology researchers. Report on a joint meeting of the Royal College of Radiologists and the Wellcome Trust and an overview of College strategies in developing radiology research‘, Clinical radiology, 67,(5):411-6
Bhogal P, Booth TC, Phillips AJ, Golding SJ (2012) ‘Radiology in the undergraduate medical curriculum — who, how, what, when, and where?‘, Clinical radiology, 67,(12):1146-52
Booth TC, Chhaya NC, Bell JR, Holloway BJ (2012) ‘Update on imaging of non-infectious musculoskeletal complications of HIV infection‘, Skeletal radiology, 41,(11):1349-63
Tang YZ, Booth TC, Swallow D, Shahabuddin K, Thomas M, Hanbury D, Chang S, King C (2012) ‘Imaging features of colovesical fistulae on MRI‘, The British journal of radiology, 85,(1018):1371-5
Tang YZ, Booth TC, Bhogal P, Malhotra A, Wilhelm T (2011) ‘Imaging of primary central nervous system lymphoma‘, Clinical radiology, 66,(8):768-77
Yeung A, Booth TC, Jacob K, McCoubrie P, McKnight L (2011) ‘The FRCR 2B examination: a survey of candidate perceptions and experiences‘, Clinical radiology, 66,(5):412-9
Katz R, Booth T, Hargunani R, Wylie P, Holloway B (2011) ‘Radiological aspects of Gaucher disease‘, Skeletal radiology, 40,(12):1505-13
Bhogal P, Bhatnagar G, Manieson J, Booth T, Prendergast C (2011) ‘An unusual case of pneumocephalus‘, BMJ case reports, 2011,():
Booth TC, Collum J, Taylor TR (2011) ‘EWTD, the Temple Report and other drivers towards a consultant-delivered service‘, Clinical radiology, 66,(10):1001-4
Booth TC, Jackson A, Wardlaw JM, Taylor SA, Waldman AD (2010) ‘Incidental findings found in “healthy” volunteers during imaging performed for research: current legal and ethical implications‘, The British journal of radiology, 83,(990):456-65
Tang Y, Booth T, Steward M, Solbach T, Wilhelm T (2010) ‘The imaging of conditions affecting the cavernous sinus‘, Clinical radiology, 65,(11):937-45
Singh JP, Steward MJ, Booth TC, Mukhtar H, Murray D (2010) ‘Evolution of imaging for abdominal perforation‘, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 92,(3):182-8
Waldman AD, Jackson A, Price SJ, Clark CA, Booth TC, Auer DP, Tofts PS, Collins DJ, Leach MO, Rees JH, National Cancer Research Institute Brain Tumour Imaging Subgroup (2009) ‘Quantitative imaging biomarkers in neuro-oncology‘, Nature reviews. Clinical oncology, 6,(8):445-54
Dilks P, Shawyer A, Booth TC (2009) ‘An unusual cause of acute renal failure‘, BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 339,():b4574
Stuart S, Booth TC, Cash CJ, Hameeduddin A, Goode JA, Harvey C, Malhotra A (2009) ‘Complications of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis‘, Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc, 29,(2):441-60