Roadwork diversions temporarily affect Princess Royal University Hospital car park entrance
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Dr Fabio Castiglione

Consultant Urologist and Andrologist

Year Qualified

Special Interests

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Men’s sexual health
  • Penile implants
  • Testosterone replacement therapy
  • Male infertility
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Digital health technologies


Dr Fabio Castiglione is a consultant urologist and andrologist at King’s College Hospital and Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital. He is the director and founder of the Holistic Andrology clinic in London and has achieved the qualification of Full Professor in Urology in Italy. Dr Castiglione is also an Associate Professor at University College London and an Honorary Reader at King’s College London.

Dr Castiglione obtained a degree in medicine and then a specialisation in urology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. He received his PhD in stem cells and erectile dysfunction at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). Dr Castiglione is considered one of the pioneers of regenerative medicine in male sexual diseases, having published the first studies on stem cells and PRP for Peyronie’s disease.

Dr Castiglione is a fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM), the European Urology Board (FEBU), and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Andrological Guidelines of the International Sexual Medicine Society (ISSM), the European Society of Urology (EAU), and the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM). He was awarded the Excellence Award 2022 by the European Society for Sexual Medicine.

His expertise spans across various aspects of men’s health, with a special focus on erectile dysfunction, penile implants, male infertility, and Peyronie’s disease. Dr Castiglione is a recognised leader in prostate cancer prevention and has been honoured as a Prostate Cancer UK Champion by the UK’s largest prostate cancer prevention organisation, Prostate Cancer UK. His work integrates advanced clinical practice with digital health innovation, and he is dedicated to pushing forward research and improving healthcare for men globally.


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