Planned operations and outpatient appointments: update
14 January 2021 - Due to the current high demand for hospital care, we may need to reschedule surgical procedures and outpatient appointments

Surgical procedures
Due to the increasing number of coronavirus patients, we have taken the difficult decision to pause all planned inpatient procedures and day case surgery, with the exception of cases where a serious delay would cause immediate harm. Patients whose operations have been postponed are being kept under close review by senior doctors.
If you have an appointment for planned surgery we will be in touch about rescheduling your procedure.
Outpatient appointments
We are currently only offering face-to-face outpatient appointments in urgent and some cancer cases that cannot take place virtually.
We are continuing with some urgent video and phone consultations for outpatient appointments, to avoid unnecessary trips to hospital. However, we are currently very busy and may need to reschedule your appointment. We will contact you to let you know how and when your appointment will take place. If you haven’t heard from us within 24 hours of your appointment, please assume that it has been cancelled – we will be in touch with you as soon as we can to rearrange.
Keep up-to-date
For all the latest information about our services during the pandemic please visit our coronavirus web section.
If you have a health concern, contact your GP practice or use the NHS 111 online service for quick health advice.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.