#NewProfilePic for September 2024
02 September 2024 - Every month, a different member of staff will be our #NewProfilePic on social media

This September, our #NewProfilePic features Gian Carlo Alcantara, Practice Development Nurse for Haematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at King’s College Hospital. Gian said: “I have been working at King’s for nearly seven years now. I love all the opportunities that come with the job, especially the professional growth and development.”
What makes your role special to you and the patients you care for?
“As a nurse educator, I believe teaching is the best way to solidify my knowledge. I am not only contributing to the growth of the staff but also enhancing the mastery of my own craft. Ultimately, having nurses with great knowledge and skills in managing blood cancers and associated conditions means better care for this group of patients.”
Any special moments that you’ve experienced at work?
“As an educator, I had the privilege to be part of the team that successfully delivered the inaugural haematology malignancy accredited course through King’s Academy in collaboration with Kingston University. This experience heightened my commitment to improving the delivery of patient care through training and education.”
Is there anything interesting about your role at King’s that people may not know?
“I’ve had the opportunity to be part of exciting, innovative treatments in our field. Our work encompasses a wide range of advanced therapies, including chemotherapy, stem cell transplants, clinical trials, and cutting-edge treatments like CAR-T therapy, regulatory T-cells (TReg), and mesenchymal cells. For instance, I was one of the few trained clinicians to administer a groundbreaking Phase 1 clinical trial, the first of its kind globally, which was pioneered at King’s.”