#NewProfilePic for May 2022
03 May 2022 - Every month, a different member of staff will be our #NewProfilePic on social media.

Our new staff profile for May 2022 is John Royce Maguiza, Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner at King’s College Hospital. John has been part of King’s since 2016 and said it’s been a wonderful journey since then.
He continued to share why he enjoys working at King’s: “King’s has helped me evolve into the kind of clinician that I am today. The Trust values retention and supports staff holistically, especially in career development. Staff diversity plays a big role as well.
“My role plays a crucial part in cancer care, mainly in the early detection and diagnosis of bowel cancer. I encourage, empower and enable my patients to participate in the national bowel cancer screening programme as people with bowel cancer would not normally show symptoms until the late stage so it is paramount to get tested.
“Supporting cancer patients is definitely a tough job! There are days that we fight our emotions and maintain our composure, especially in breaking the bad news, but equally rewarding as patients would always appreciate and remember what you did for them at their lowest.
“I love my role as SSP. We offer an exceptional service and have an outstanding team, going above and beyond for our patients – this is the kind of care that I have always endeavoured for as a clinical nurse specialist.”