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#NewProfilePic for December 2022

01 December 2022 - Every month, a different member of staff will be our #NewProfilePic on social media

Our new staff profile for December 2022 is Rezi Morales, Neonatal Modern Matron, at the Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH). Rezi joined King’s six months ago. He said: “I have definitely made the right choice being part of #TeamKings, as I’ve felt the support of my team and the Trust. This is an exciting journey, a big step not just for me but also for the Neonatal Unit here at the PRUH as we transited into a Level 2 Neonatal Unit. We will now be able to accommodate and care for more premature babies and their families.”

What makes your role special to you and the patients you care for?

Being matron for the Neonatal Unit here at the PRUH allows me to shape the Unit into a service that puts Family Integrated Care at the heart of everything we do. I’m inspired every time I see babies progress from being born sick or premature into healthy babies when they get discharged. It is an achievement for me and the team when parents are happy and gain confidence in taking part in the care of their babies.

What are the special moments that you’ve experienced at King’s?

I saw team effort and great collaboration between the Neonatal and Maternity teams when we successfully opened the new Neonatal Transitional Care Unit at the PRUH. This service prevents unnecessary admission of babies into the Neonatal Unit hence keeping mother and baby together, promoting bonding and neurodevelopment for the baby.

It’s now December and nearly Christmas, what does this look like for the Neonatal Unit at the PRUH and the patients?

Christmas is an exciting time for everyone in the Unit as we celebrate this in our simple way – it’s filled with Christmas decorations and each baby in the Unit receives a gift on Christmas day from St.Nick.

Are there magical moments in the Neonatal Unit with new babies born during Christmas?

New babies born during Christmas get a Christmas present. We celebrate Christmas with them and make sure that the family is supported. Having your baby in the Neonatal Unit is quite challenging but we make sure that we deliver the spirit of Christmas to the families in the Unit.

Tell us something interesting about your role that people may not have known?

I see how our babies progress from the most difficult part of their life, when they are born sick or premature, into a success story when they get discharged. This role has also allowed me to touch the lives of the families we care for, talking and providing them reassurance and strength during the most difficult time in their baby’s life.

What Christmas message would you like to share with patients and visitors at King’s?

Sending all our love and good wishes to everyone. Merry Christmas! Being in a hospital during this season is challenging but we hope and pray that everyone is feeling stronger and better every day. May this holiday season be a time of rest as you recover, and the New Year be full of hope for better days ahead.

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