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Information for King’s staff on COVID-19

20 March 2020 - Details for colleagues who are currently overseas or self-isolating and cannot access the intranet

This information is aimed at King’s College Hospital NHS FT staff. If you are a patient or member of the public please visit the patient information webpage.

King’s colleagues are playing a vital role in caring for patients with COVID-19 and supporting the running of our hospitals. We want to keep you safe and healthy so we can continue to manage demand for our services at this crucial time. Here is guidance for colleagues who are currently overseas or self-isolating and cannot access the Trust’s intranet.

For more information, please visit the Kingsweb Mobile website. It gives you access to all the latest information on COVID-19 on your mobile, tablet or home computer. This includes the news and updates, policies and guidance and the chance to thank your fellow colleagues. All you need to access the site is a device connected to the internet and your NHS email address. For instructions on how to login to the site, email [email protected]

Staff members who are symptomatic

Any staff member who develops symptoms related to COVID-19 (a new persistent cough, fever or asomnia,the loss of or a change in your normal sense of smell or taste) must self-isolate (following Public Health England guidance on self-isolating) at home for seven days. They should contact their line manager and email Occupational Health (line managers will provide the email address) with the following information:

Daily updates to Occupational Health (OH) are not required, but OH should be informed of a change in situation.

If you are symptomatic and you live alone

If you are symptomatic and you live with others

If you are NOT symptomatic but you live with others who are symptomatic

Colleagues with COVID-19 exposure through other settings, including travel

All staff are advised to consult the Foreign and Commonwealth Office guidance on travel to areas affected by COVID-19 and avoid all but essential travel to those areas. Colleagues who have returned from travel overseas (including to countries or areas previously specified), or have exposure to confirmed cases within the community, can carry on working in their usual role as long they are well. If you are unwell you should follow the steps listed above.

Staff return to work criteria

Staff who have been self-isolating can return to work:

Please email OH to advise of your return to work and if you have any questions about the process.