Happy birthday NHS
05 July 2021 - As the NHS marks its 73rd birthday on Monday 5th July, Charlane tells us about her own birthday celebrations

Today is #NHSBirthday and also the birthday of our Theatre Nurse, Charlane. We spoke to Charlane about her role and what it means to celebrate her birthday with NHS’s birthday.
Hi Charlane, can you tell us a bit about your role?
“I work in Liver Transplant and HPB Theatres as a scrub nurse and currently finishing my anaesthetic course.”
You were born on the same day as the NHS on 5 July. Does this have a hold a special significance for you? If so, why?
“It’s always nice to be celebrated on the same day as the NHS, it reminds me that there are people who are grateful for having us around, and at the same time I could reflect on my appreciation for the community and people who build us.”
What’s your career journey been like for you to now be working in the NHS?
“I started in the medical ward and moved to main theatres then joined the liver transplant and organ retrieval department that provides service across the UK. It hasn’t been an easy ride, especially with the Pandemic. My resilience, patience, and flexibility were tested but I am lucky to have the support from mentors and colleagues.”
How will you be celebrating your birthday today?
“I will have a nice walk in the countryside and enjoy a relaxing evening with my sister.”