Get your COVID-19 or flu jab at King’s
18 November 2022 - Walk-in clinics available for vaccinations

You can get your COVID-19 or flu vaccination at King’s seven days a week, with no need to book.
Walk-in clinics are currently being held in the Denmark Hill Vaccination Centre at King’s College Hospital, Monday to Sunday, from 8.30am to 11.50am and 12.30pm to 5.15pm. The centre is located behind the Weston Education Centre (WEC) on Cutcombe Road.
Please note: walk-ins may not be accepted from 11.30am to 12pm and 4.30pm to 5.15pm to ensure staff have time to process those who are waiting prior to closing times.
Walk-in clinics are also being held at the One Bromley Health Hub in The Glades Shopping Centre, from Tuesday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.
For a walk-in vaccination, please bring your NHS number (and your NHS ID if a member of staff).
To check your eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine and book a particular date and time at our vaccination centres, visit the National Booking Service.