Equalities Minister visits King’s Sexual Health Centre
11 February 2022 - Mike Freer MP visited the Sexual Health Centre to mark HIV Testing Week

To mark HIV Testing Week (7 to 13 February), the Minister for Equalities, Mike Freer MP, visited the King’s Sexual Health Centre on 4 February, to hear from staff about the importance of getting tested for HIV and accessing the right treatment and support.
Mike Freer MP – who is responsible for addressing issues affecting the LGBT+ community – is now encouraging people to come forward for a test, so they know their HIV status and can get access to treatment if they need to.
King’s sexual health clinicians, introduced the Minister to a range of personalised services provided at centres in Camberwell and initiatives across the Trust to support patients with HIV.
The cliniQ service at King’s provides holistic wellbeing and sexual health services for trans , non-binary and gender diverse people. The clinic, which opened in April 2019, is delivered by staff and volunteers from cliniQ – a community interest company run by trans people – in partnership with sexual health staff at the Denmark Hill site.
Dr Michael Brady, Sexual Health & HIV consultant at King’s College Hospital, reflected on the Minister’s visit and said: “It was a pleasure to welcome the Equalities Minister Mike Freer MP to our centre and talk with him about the work King’s is doing to increase HIV testing in our local community.
“It is important to get tested and know your HIV status. As part of the Government’s national action plan to end HIV transmissions by 2030, King’s staff are developing and piloting new initiatives and programmes to ensure our patients receive the right support and care.”
Members of the public can order a HIV test here: https://freetesting.hiv