CQC National Inpatient Survey
06 February 2023 - If you have stayed overnight in one of our hospitals, we want to hear about your experiences

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is carrying out a survey to find out what patients think about the care they received when they were treated as an inpatient in our hospitals. The Trust plans to use this feedback to improve patients’ experiences, highlight areas where we perform well, and to identify the areas where we need to develop our services.
Patients who have recently stayed overnight at either King’s College Hospital or the Princess Royal University Hospital may receive a questionnaire to their home address between January and April 2023, asking about their experiences. This will ask about various aspects of care, including the quality of care and treatment, communication with staff, information, and the hospital environment. People’s responses are always confidential.
Obtaining feedback from our patients is vitally important for bringing about improvements in the quality of care here at King’s. Results from the previous CQC National Inpatient Surveys have helped us to identify areas where there was the most room for improvement, for example, communication, patient information and our emotional support offering.