Angela Helleur appointed to Executive Director role at King’s
17 August 2023 - Angela Helleur will join King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in September as Interim Site Chief Executive for Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) and South Sites.

Angela will take on the role for an interim period until the end of March 2024, and joins the Trust on secondment from the South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB), where she is Chief Nursing Officer.
Angela will join the Trust on secondment in September and until then, Julie Lowe, Site Chief Executive for Denmark Hill, will provide temporary leadership cover for the PRUH and South Sites, in addition to her substantive role.
Professor Clive Kay, Chief Executive for King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, welcomed Angela’s secondment. He said:
“I know Angela will be a superb addition to the executive team here at King’s, and I am confident her significant experience and knowledge of healthcare delivery in South East London will be a real asset to the Trust.”
Angela said:
“I work closely with the Trust in my role as Chief Nursing Officer for the South East London ICS, so I am looking forward to joining the team at the PRUH and South Sites next month.”